

Monday, September 25, 2023


When I got home from taking Eli to school I worked on the flower beds.  After awhile I went inside and made some oatmeal for breakfast.  Today I added handles to 16 mugs.  7 of them have double handles.  That was a lot of handles!  I picked Adam up from school at 3:30.  He was really hungry for a bagel so we went to Apple Bagel.  Then we headed to Meridian to get Eli from his work out class.  He got out around 4:30.  This evening Eli had a 6:00 soccer game.  He played goalie for the first half.  Eli scored a goal on a corner kick.  The ref called off sides on it so it didn't count though.  Our coach seemed to think it should have counted.  Anyway we won 4-0.  The coach gave all the kids their favorite candy.  He had asked the parents before the game.  Eli got Mike and Ikes.  We called and talked to Grandma and Grandpa on the drive home.  Jared helped me put knobs on my mugs.  We ate a late dinner and then played some bedwars. 

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