

Thursday, September 21, 2023


Today Eli and I drove to MSU to pick up Jacob.  I picked Eli up from school a little early and we stopped at McDonalds.  Wyatt came with us.  We were a little early so we took Wyatt in Petco.  We picked Jacob up around 4:!5.  He said he has been sick with a cold for a few days.  He was coughing.  Jared had picked Adam up from soccer practice and they were home.  Jacob had to leave right away to go to Meridian.  The alumni are playing with the marching band for their homecoming game.  Jared drove Jacob to school and then came home to get Adam and take him to his school for their homecoming game.  They are wearing white to the game.  Eli and I went to Meridian for the game and Jared met us there but he was late.  It was so crowded that I had a hard time finding a seat.  There were alot of people standing.  A nice couple offered to squeeze us in past them.  Eli wanted to walk around with his friends.  Jacob had fun seeing his friends and playing with the band.  Meridian lost 0-43.  After the game Jared went to Midland to pick up Adam.   I took Eli and Jacob to McDonalds.  We ordered and waited in line for at least 30 min.  When we got up there she had me repeat my order.  Then she said it wouldn't work so they couldn't serve us.  We headed home and Jared picked up pizza's.  We hadn't eaten dinner yet.  

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