

Monday, February 28, 2022



Nana put an angel in the gift bag.  Hahaha.  He loves to hid them around Nana's house.  

I trimmed mugs and made handles.  Then I worked on downloading pictures to the blog and trying to catch up.  I cleaned the house while pictures were downloading. It takes a long time with our slow wifi. I was washing baseboards on the bathroom and went to stand up and I hit my head hard on the windowsill.  It made me bite my tongue so hard it was bleeding.  Ouch!  When I got home from school with the boys Eli went out to take care of the animals.  Jacob took Wyatt outside. I made some brownies and a cake.  Mom, Dad, Vikki and the kids came over around 5:00.  Today we are celebrating Eli's birthday.  Jared picked up pizza's on the way home and I also made pizza's in the oven.  We had brownies and ice cream for desert.  Eli opened his present from Nana and Papa.  In the gift bag was one of Nana's angels - hahaha!  In his card was money so he could buy MVP+ on hypixel.  Thats the game we love playing together.  Jacob and Adam have MVP+ and Eli is so happy to now have it too.  Eli helped us with the design of his cake and then Jared and I decorated it.  The boys played Minecraft bedwars.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

I can just tell from your good picture how much Eli loved that Angel surprise lol. What a fun night at your house. Thanks for, fun, cake, ice cream and lots of love. I bet you will love it when you get your high speed internet next week. Your life is about to get easier when you load all the pictures you load.