

Wednesday, February 2, 2022


Lela and her lamb

Haha Jacob

 After taking Eli to school I headed to Home Depot.  I picked up some wood and hardware to make shelves for in Adam's room.  He wanted a big shelf above his door and some shelves above his dresser.  When I got home I went to the barn to take care of the animals.  Then I came inside and measured how long I wanted the shelves to be.  The shelf above his door was about 80 inches long and the other two were a few feet.  I set up the miter saw on the table on the deck.  The board was so long so I brought out a stool and put some boards on it to balance the other end of the board.  It fell over a couple times but it worked good.  Every time I went in and out of the house Thor would run in and run to Eli's bedroom.  It was so annoying.  I splashed him with some water next time he tried it and that stopped him for awhile.  He ran into the igloo house.  I wasn't great at measuring so I had to resize the boards a few times.  I then sanded the boards and brought them in to be stained with whitewash stain.  Staining with this kind of stain really is not fun.  It has to be painted on and then after a few minutes wiped off.  If its on too long its sticky and can't be wiped off.  It takes alot of rags.  It took 5 coats on each side.  I washed after staining with goo gone and soap.  My hand is really irritated with a rash and it was getting really painful when I had to wash.  A glove helped but it got so sticky.  In between coats I checked on sheep, spackled and went through a bunch of stuff from Eli's bedroom.  I filled a bag to donate and a small bag for trash.  When I got home from getting the boys we went to the barn to take care of the animals.  Adam and Jacob got down a new round bale.  The boys helped me clean up some things in the house.  Adam's new loft bed was delivered today.  Yay!! It came early.  I caulked around the baseboards in his room.  When Jared got home he and Adam put together the bed.  The boys played Minecraft and we ate a late dinner.  We set up a table under Adam's new bed and he put some minecraft lego on it.  Jared and I worked on hanging the shelves and a board with hooks in the room.  Then Jared and I worked on the door and put on a handle.  

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