

Monday, February 21, 2022


Congrats Jacob!

Adam had the day off of school today.  He wanted me to wake him up before I took Eli to school.  Jared and I had doctor appointments this morning.  Jared's appointment was at 8:30 and mine was at 9:30.  Jared came out while I was checking in.  He sat down and waited to talk to me.  The other lady saw him and asked if she could help him.  He told her he was my husband.  She said, "Oh I swear someone just came in that looked just like you."  Jared told her that was him and we laughed.  Haha.  The appointments went well.  We had physicals, bloodwork, urinalysis and I got a tetanus shot.  From there I went to Tim Hortons to get a cappuccino and also got Adam and I blueberry muffins.  Adam and I played some Minecraft and we played many games of Sequence.  When we got home from school Eli and I went to the barn to feed. We brought Bo into a stall because we're supposed to get freezing rain tonight.  Jacob got a letter in the mail from the Midland concert band saying that he was chosen to receive a $500 music scholarship award!  He was very happy!  He starts private lessons on Saturdays and this money will help with those.  He is also very excited to get to play with the Midland concert band.  He gets to begin practicing with them in April and there will be a concert in June.  Jared and I played a couple games of sequence before dinner.  After dinner Adam Jared and I played a game of 3-13 and I won.  Jacob was in his room all evening doing school work and taking a test.  He ate dinner late.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Congratulations to Jacob. Great that he received that scholarship where he loves music so much. Nice to have it help with his lessons. He is one amazing kid and a great musician. That lady at the doctor's office sure was funny. Glad you look out for Bo and bring him in when ice is in the forecast. He sure got a good home and you sure got a good horse.