

Friday, February 18, 2022


 I dropped Jacob off at school at around 11:00 and headed to my parents house.  Papa, Nana and Adam were playing a game of Skipbo.  Adam won.  Mom and I played 3-13 and she won.  Dad had picked us up some muffins and they were yummy!  Dad picked up Peyton and Isaac after school so Vikki could come after work.  Jared picked Jacob and Adam up from school so I could stay a little longer at my parents.  We played some games of Phase 10.  When we got home we went to the barn to move round bales.  The boys didn't think we'd be able to move them without the tractor because they are really big and heavy. They got it done though. Adam and Eli played some Minecraft until dinner.  After dinner Jacob went in his room to practice his instrument.  We played some bedwars before bed. 

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

It was fun having Adam, then having you come spend the day, then Vikki and the kids. Love hanging out with you and it was really fun beating you at 3-13. Just kidding. I love you so much.