

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Day 16 (8/3/19)

We got up and started packing around 6:30. Grandma made pancakes for breakfast. The last day for Grandma's pancakes - boohoo.  Well, until next year!  Thank you Grandma!!  After breakfast we finished packing the van and hooked up the trailer.   We were on the road, heading home, around 9:30. Adam looked at the bottom of his feet and said “my feet are a new shade of black”. Haha. We talked to Nana, Papa, and Max who were traveling through the UP. We were going to meet up with them at the Hilltop but our timing didn't work out. We did stop and get a sweet roll for tomorrow morning. We stopped at Walmart in Marquett to get lunch. Made sub sandwiches and got snacks for lunch. Marsha and Dennis Owens called us and we found out we were all at Walmart at the same time.  We checked the time on our receipt's. Around 4:00 we crossed the Mackinaw bridge.  Got home at 7pm.  The corn in the garden is still not very tall.  Eli picked some peas for us to eat.  All the animals are doing well.  Eli's sheep looks likes its gained weight.  Hopefully it will be enough for fair.  It looks like there wasn't much rain here.  The plants look thirsty.  The blueberry leaves are pretty brown.  Lots of weeds in the flower beds.  The boys unloaded the van and put away a lot of stuff in the house.  We unloaded our Dennis pottery!  Thats always our favorite thing to unload when we get home.  Then the boys took care of things in the house while Jared and I weeded and watered plants. We unloaded our rocks and drift wood and found homes for them.   It was thundering in the distance but we only got a light rain.  All the boys slept on the floor in our bedroom tonight.  

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