

Friday, August 16, 2019


Jacob showing a horse

Adam's turn
They ended up using the same horse.  They boys thought showing the horse was fun.

Jacob trying to control this crazy red pig

Adam's pig was not much better.  It just wanted to hang out by the wall.
Pigs were the hardest for them to show.  It was their first time moving a pig and they did a good job.

The boys got to use each other's sheep.  
They were hoping this would not happen.  Haha.  Luck of the draw.

Dairy cows.  
The dairy cow was their favorite.

Showing a steer.

Overall showmanship group!

This morning we went to the fair to meet with a kid that show's a pig in our group. He talked to the boys about showing pigs. I was really hoping the boys could practice moving the pig around but they didn't get to. Back at home Eli and Daddy pretended to be pigs and I was the judge. The boys practiced not cutting off the judge while moving the pig around. They alway have to keep the pig between them and the judge. We watched some youtube videos on showing the various large animals. Then we went to the barn and used Wyatt as a horse, dairy cow, and steer. We also went over the various animal parts. Around noon we headed back to the fair. The show started at 1:00. First were the horses. The boys had a nice horse and did a great job.  Then we went to the pig barn. Jacob pig was fast and hard to control. He felt better when he saw the pig winner in Adam's group having just as hard of a time with that same pig. Adam's pig kept getting stuck by the wall. He did get him past the judge a few times. Next we went to the cattle arena. We got out the boys sheep and cleaned them off a little. The senior group always starts first. Before going in Adam told Jacob, "I hope I don't get your sheep." Jacob said the same thing about Adam's sheep. Well they both ended up with each other's sheep - haha.  Jacob thinks Adam's sheep is too small and Adam thinks Jacob's sheep is too big. They did good. You could definitely tell the judge wasn't a sheep judge. She did things different and even lifted Jacob's sheep's leg.  It was the same judge for all the animals.  Next was dairy cows. Both boys said the dairy cow was their favorite. With a dairy cow you walk backwards the whole time.  To set them up the rear leg, closest to the judge, is always back (to show off the udder).  Last was the steers. In the seniors group most of them squared up the legs. Well you're actually supposed to have the cows left rear leg always forward. The boys saw everyone else squaring their cows feet so they decided that must be the right.  They laughed when I told them they were following all the ones that didn't know what they were doing. Haha. Anyway they did really great and I'm proud of them for doing it. They are hoping they get to do it again next year! There were 5 kids in their groups.  Most of these kids have been in this overall showmanship at least once before. Adam came in 3rd place and Jacob came in 4th.   We walked thought the merchant buildings with Nana before heading home.  The boys played minecraft and Jared mowed the lawn. I checked on the sheep and decided to moved Han and the lambs into a new paddock. I noticed one lamb (Mary Kay) just standing by the lean too and not following the group. I went out to check on her and her feet were tangled with wire which was also wrapped around the lean too post. She was stuck and I'm not sure how long she's been there. You couldn't tell she had any problems from the fence.   Eli helped me hold her while Jared used the wire cutters to free her. It was a mess and took a little while. She was really thirsty. Poor girl. We closed this paddock until we can walk around and repair the electric fencing. We headed back to the fairgrounds for barn duty. We have barn duty in the small animal barn from 5-7 every day. At home we grilled burgers for dinner. We watched Heartland before bed.

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