

Sunday, August 18, 2019


The mouse in our birdhouse

Snake eating a frog
We had to be to the small animal barn at 8:00. Eli's turkey buyer was there when we got there. Eli's hen was all puffed up acting like a tom. All the turkeys were worked up. Jacob's buyer was also there. Their daughter asked some questions and carried the tom all buy herself to their truck. Jared talked to her Dad about Dr Pol. Their Grandma is going to be using this tom for breeding. They also bought a hen. We worked on cleaning cages and sweeping our area. Adam's buyer was supposed to be here around 10:00. No matter what time they agree to be there we have to be there at 8:00 in case they come early. Jared stayed there and the boys and I went to the sheep barn to take down the decorations. Back at home we cleaned out the van and trailer. The boys stayed home while Jared and I went shopping. We got pizza's and pops for lunch. Watched Heartland this evening and had popcorn pop and ice cream.

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