

Friday, August 2, 2019

Day 15 (8/2/19)

We were up around 6:30 and the boys were all up by 7:00. After breakfast we took our morning walk.  Jared and I played a game of 3-13 with Jacob. Daddy won. Then we played some uno. Daddy read to us until it was time for lunch. Then we headed to Eagle river. I read as we drove. The water was cold but we got used to it pretty quickly. Wyatt swam some and then we put him in his crate. The boys and Daddy had fun playing in the sand by the stream. I searched for pretty rocks and took them to the van. We stopped at the shop to visit with Leslie for awhile. Adam and Eli walked over to the school playground. We bought one of Leslie's pianomal. It's a cute elephant and we hung it from our rear view mirror.  After dinner we worked on cleaning and packing up the dining fly. Then we took a walk over to Pebble beach. Adam and Eli rode bikes there. Eli came back on his bike to say that Adam had crashed. He skinned his knee and his hand. I used up all the bandaids I had in my backpack.  Back at camp we took a walk around the campground. Jacob got a fire going and we sat by the fire and made smore's. Got to bed around 10:45.

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

I love these family pictures with you in them Kimmy!