

Friday, August 9, 2019


Today was Jacob's last day of HS band camp. He was worried because he'd left his lyre at school.  He found it in the band room. I worked on unloading the camping trailer. We got a couple nights of hard rain and the trailer leaked. I set up the screen tent and opened up the tent. The tent was dry but the screen tent was wet. A couple sleeping bags also got wet. I washed all the sleeping bags. I repacked the trailer when everything was dry. Adam and I played a game of 3-13 and I won. We both had a low score. After dinner we went to town to pick up buckets and pine shavings for fair. We dropped them off at fairground. The boys worked with their sheep this evening. I am alway pretending to be the judge. Today the boys took turns being judge. It was funny and Eli's sheep got away from me.  Can I go back to being judge - haha,

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