

Saturday, January 27, 2024


After church we went shopping.  Jared picked up pizza's for lunch.  After lunch I tested my fish tank water.  There was some ammonia in the water so I did another water change.  Also I think my male guppy has dropsy so I set up a quarantine tank for him.  Treated it with aquarium salt.  Hopefully he is ok.  Jared left to pick Eli up from Nana and Papa's.  Eli was pretty happy about the eggs he made for breakfast.  He said they tasted great and sent me a picture.  Adam had his last futsal game of the season tonight.  They lost 7-6.  Adam scored twice.  The first goal was on the kick off.  Hard kick right into the goal.  When we got home we watched the rest of the Lion's vs 49er game.  The Lions lost by 3 points - boo!  

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