

Thursday, January 25, 2024


 After taking Eli to school I went home to clean the house.  Then I went to my parents house.  Visited with Mom and scanned some receipts for my fetch app.  Kenzie came over with Rehvyn.  He's so cute an is smiling alot.  Kenzie went outside to look for feathers and helped Papa unload wood pellets.  I went out to help too.  Kenzie found some birch wood and made me a dream catcher.  Jared got out of work early and picked up the boys. Liam came home because he wanted to go to the fish store with us.  He and Eli went over to Logan's house.  We picked them up and headed to Blue Thumb.  Had fun looking at the fish there.  I got a couple Amano shrimp and some gold white clouds.  Eli got an albino pleco and he bought Liam a honey gourami with his store credit.  On the way home the boys were saying they were hungry.  We stopped at Nana and Papa's and they went in to get some animal crackers and some pops.  We dropped Liam off at home and Eli went in to look at his fish tank.  He had some algae so Eli showed him how much to feed.  He was surprised by how little food they actually need.  Eli also saw he has some baby guppy's in his tank!  This evening Adam had a futsal game that started at 10pm.  The team they play was made up of mostly Dow's varsity team.  It was a tough game.  It was a fun game to watch.  We lost. 

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