

Monday, December 6, 2021


Christmas band concert!

6th grade band

High school band

 Jared took the Jacob and Eli to school this morning.  Jacob got on the Delta bus and Eli got Covid tested.  He tested negative.  Jared had to go into work this morning but came home around 9:30.  He worked from home.  We glazed pots today.  At 11:45 we had an IEP meeting at school for Eli which went well.  Finished glazing at home.  This evening we went to Meridian's Christmas band concert.  It was a great concert!  The first concert was the 6,7,,8th graders and then was the 5th and high schoolers. The jazz band also played.  Adam had pizza in the oven when we got home.   We ate a late dinner and played some bed wars.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

I love the boys Christmas Concerts. Sure missed being there. I'm glad you video them for me so I can watch and listen to them. I'm proud of those boys. They do a great job playing their clarinets.