

Monday, December 20, 2021


Pulling Bo's shoe

 Jacob slept in until 10:30 when I woke him.  Adam and Eli were up around 8:00.  They watched tv.  Adam didn't sleep well again last night.  The boys helped me get the barn ready for lambing.  We put the fence up in the middle of the barn.  Jacob drove me to the post office at noon but they were closed from noon to 12:30.  We played some bedwars and watched tv.  Adam made another minecraft YouTube video of his bedwars solo game.  He was going to talk in it but his throat was sore and he had a headache.  When Jared got home from work we went out to the barn and he was surprise to see the barn was ready for lambing.  The boys even moved a round bale in and its ready for when we let the sheep in the barn.  Eli brought Bo in the barn and we brushed him.  We pulled the shoe on his foot because he threw the other one.  He's so good about us messing with his feet. We had never taking a shoe off before and we were pounding, pulling and prying off the shoe.  


Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Eli and Bo remind me so much of you with Sammy when you got him. Such a good horse to let you dod that with his foot. Amazing you can even do that. Poor Adam....I am glad he is smiling in that picture of him. Very cute even though he wasn't feeling well.

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Oh, I love seeing my winning cards in that picture. Those are the best cards ever!