

Monday, December 20, 2021


Eli got his first Covid shot!  Jared and I got our boosters.

No powdered sugar

Adam was up most of the night on the floor in our bedroom.  Eli and I met Jared at the Health dept this morning to get our covid boosters and Eli his first shot.  Jared went back to work and we went to Lowes for a couple things.  Stopped at the gas station to get Eli a pop.  At home we played some bedwars.  The boys watched some tv. Adam was super tired so he lay on the couch and read a book.  Jared had a dentist appointment at 3:00.  I was talking to Vikki on the phone and told her he was in Saginaw at the dentist and she said she was going to take him some of her chips and salsa.  She left it on his car as a surprise.  She's so sweet.  He was happy with his yummy treat.  I met Jared at the auto shop to drop of the car.  We went shopping for Christmas gifts.  We were going to make Christmas cookies this evening but the stores were all sold out of powdered sugar.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Vikki is so sweet and thoughtful! Wow, I guess they were out of powder sugar. Poor Adam. Very cute picture of Eli and Thor in bed.