

Friday, December 24, 2021

Merry Christmas 2021!


Jacob turned on our bedroom light at 7:30 this morning. When I opened our bedroom door Adam was sitting on the floor leaning against the door and fell back. Jacob said he didnt sleep well because his back was hurt from getting walked on by Adam and the other kids yesterday. We had cinnamon muffuns and blueberry muffins for breakfast. The boys opened their stockings first. They got some candy, toothbrushes, magnetic arm, balls, notepads, felt tip pens, rulers. Thor came inside to play with his new cat toys. He liked them. The boys passed out presents. Wyatt opened a new toy and a rawhide bone. We took turns opening gifts. Jacob got a blackburn bike frame bag, a water bag and backpack, a shirt, a star wars lego set, garfield book, a drawing mechanical pencil, a bike tool, bike lock and a gaming mouse. Adam got some minecraft lego sets, a wireless and wired gaming mouse, little soccer ball and a ball pump, and a garfied book. Eli got a machete, a gaming mouse, star wars legos, a drawing mechanical, a garfield book and a wings of fire graphic novel. Jared got a couple pair of jeans, a case knife, an application bible, and some m&m’s. And I got a 25 ft purple water right garden hose, an application bible, some old navy shorts, rada knives, essential oil, and a puzzle. I am really happy to have a nice small hose instead of draining the 100 ft hose in the winter when filling tanks. The boys spent most of the day building lego set and playing minecraft using the new gaming mouse.  We had a lot of fun playing bedwars together.  Jared and I enjoyed reading our new application bibles.  We ate around 1pm.  The mashed potatoes and corn were from our garden!  Eli only had ham on his plate but he ate a couple helpings of it.  After dinner we took a walk in the woods.  Eli wanted to use his new machete.  He used it on the tree the had fallen.  We noticed a buck has rubbed his antlers on a few trees, including our "Charlie Brown" tree.  Eli sure loved chopping with his machete.  Mom and Dad came over this afternoon and we played a game of 3-13.  Nana won.  Jacob and I had high scores.  Nana was in the negatives the whole game until the end.  After they left we played some more Minecraft bedwars and then watched some tv.  We made some chocolate chip cookies.  

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