

Sunday, December 5, 2021



The boys slept in this morning.  We attended church online.  Played some Minecraft and then headed to the store for groceries. Jacob stayed home to work on homework.  We stopped to pick up some round bales on the way home.  The farmer left them on his hay wagon.  When we got home Jared unloaded them with the tractor while the boys helped me put away groceries.   After lunch we played some minecraft with the boys.  This afternoon we decorated the decks with Christmas lights.  It was cold and sleeting out.  We had lots of help so it got done quickly.  The cats love the igloo on the deck, especially Koala.  The boys then helped us unload the kiln.  We went to check on Bo and he was eating hay in his lean to.  We took him some treats.  Jacob has almost finished the puzzle.  


Vikki's Blog said...

I don't think I have ever seen you guys put up Christmas lights

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Lots of good helpers with those Christmas lights. You and Jared have set good examples of being great workers and joyful helpers. It has rubbed off on the boys. You are blessed!