

Saturday, December 4, 2021


Someone left this at the end of our road.  

We power washed it and it looks great.  I will be selling it but for now Eli wants it on the deck for the cats.

Jacob got the tree clamped into the base and then realized he'd put the middle piece on the bottom.

He made a little tree.  Haha

The boys were up early to watch tv.  Jared went to town to get our Sat goodies and dropped off a bunch of packages at the post office.  We played some Minecraft.  Then the boys helped us clean the house.  This afternoon we saddled up Bo and Eli rode him around in the paddock.  I put out cones and Eli practiced weaving those.  Bo has only been taught to drive so having someone on his back is new to him.  He hasn't learned how to move to leg pressure so he takes some effort to get him to trot.  He trots good while lunging so I put him on a lunge line with Eli on him.  Eli practiced using leg pressure while I used the lunge whip to encourage him to trot. He did really good. Jared rode him around the paddock and he was doing good.  I thought we'd have Eli ride double with Jared.  I gave Eli a leg up and stepped back to get a picture.  Next thing I knew Eli was on the ground.  Bo bucked at having something on his hind end.  Eli thought it was funny and couldn't wait to tell his brothers.  Jared rode him some more and then Eli rode him to the barn.  Eli warmed up with some hot chocolate.   This evening we put up the Christmas tree.  We had fun decorating the tree and listening to Christmas music.  Adam set up the nativity.  We played some Minecraft bedwars and then watched an I Love Lucy.   

1 comment:

Vikki's Blog said...

That igloo was a great find! You sure cleaned it up good.