

Thursday, December 2, 2021


 Today I trimmed mugs and added handles. I made some into double handled mugs.  After school Eli and I went out to take care of Bo.  We filled his hay box.  Thor is scared of Bo but Koala love him and rubs on his legs. She likes to lay in the hay in his lean-to.   We brushed Bo and then turned him out in the big paddock with the sheep.  Eli walked him over to the sheep. They let him get closer before they ran away.  Eli wanted to ride Bo bareback so I gave him a leg up and lead him around the paddock.  Jacob still only wanted jello for dinner.  After dinner we played some minecraft bedwars with the boys.  


Mom/Nana Schaard said...

I love that picture of Eli on Bo! Priceless! Love the one of Jacob and Adam on their computers. Nice the sheep are getting more used to Bo. I love you and I am missing all of you!

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Your pottery looks amazing!!!

Vikki's Blog said...

Awe I love seeing Eli with his horse! I need to get out another puzzle, my kids love them too!
I love the pic of the pottery, looks so cool unfinished up there!!!