

Wednesday, December 1, 2021


The sheep still don't know what to think about a horse.  Haha

Eli's cleaning the packed snow out of Bo's hooves.  

I did some Christmas shopping online this morning.  This afternoon I threw some mugs on the wheel.  Jacob had a lot of homework to work on.  He started working on it when he got home from school.  His teeth are feeling better but he still ate jello for dinner. Eli and I went out to take care of the animals.  Eli turned Bo out with the sheep for a couple hours.  He noticed some hard packed snow on Bo's hooves so he got a hoof pick and cleaned them out.  We checked on the fox's den and noticed the entrance has collapsed to a horse hoof.  Adam and Jacob went to youth group this evening.  We took some packages to the post office.  Stopped at Home Depot, the Dollar store and Meijer.  Eli picked out some frames at the Dollar store for some of his drawings.  



Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Those sheep are so funny! Looks like Eli is taking really good care of Bo! I'm proud of him!

Vikki's Blog said...

wow that is such a pretty sunrise!!!