

Sunday, October 31, 2021


Trick or Trot race

Getting awards 

Wearing their new t-shirts and metals

Getting some warm chili 

Jacob wearing his candy crush costume.  

Max and Jacob

Eli and his stash of candy

 We got to the school around 9:30 for the the 6th annual Trick or Trot.  There were about 200 participants this year.  This 5K race started at 10:00.  Jacob finished first in his age group and 3rd in the overall. His finished time was 22:42.  Adam finished 2nd in his age group (1-14) and Eli finished 9th. Adam's finished time was 24:45 and Eli's was 31:57. Mr Shepherd (the band director and cross country coach) and some of the cross country mom's are trying to recruit Jacob to join.  The boys sure had a lot of fun.  After the race there was a raffle.  Jacob won a $25 card to the movie theater.  We dropped the boys off at home and then headed into town for groceries and pizza.   We played some minecraft bedwars with the boys after lunch.  At around 2:45 we headed to Vikki's house.  Vikki got a new phone so I am getting her old phone.  Rody switched over the phone for me.  We went to Mel and Bruce's house around 4:30.  It was cold and windy.  Bruce had a fire going.  We visited and ate warm chili.  Mom made me turkey chili for me which was so good!  The kids had fun trick or treating around Aunt Missy's neighborhood.  Adam didn't want to dress up this year so he stayed and helped pass out candy.  Eli and the younger kids went in a group and Jared and I walked around with Max and Jacob. When we got home Jacob started working on his homework.  We watched an I love Lucy before tucking the boys in bed.  


Mom/Nana Schaard said...

You did it Kimmy! You posted... I will be busy tonight reading now. So happy to see these posts. I love you!

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Those boys are in shape from playing soccer at home and on the team. They sure did good in the race. I'm proud of all of them. I see why they want to recruit Jacob!