

Thursday, October 14, 2021



Today I spent the day taking pottery photos.  I set up an area near the umbrella on the deck.  It rained this morning for a little while.  I measured and posted pictures onto Etsy.  I packaged a couple mugs and stopped at the post office on the way to get the boys.  After school Jacob got right to doing his homework. I played bed wars with Adam and Eli.  Jared took Jacob to the soccer field to referee for a U10 game at 5:30.  We took Adam to soccer practice and he wanted to get there around 6:00 for his 6:30 practice.  Jared read an email saying that the kids needed to wear tennis shoes because practice is in the parking lot tonight.  We headed to Dunhams to get Adam a pair of shoes. He slipped and fell on his wrist during practice and needed to ice it tonight.  We left Adam's practice to go pick up Jacob.  He wanted to go home because he still had alot of school work.  I stayed at the soccer complex to upload pictures  because its super fast cell service there.  Jared picked me up on his way back to Adam's practice.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Handsome grandsons! Sure love those boys!