

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


I finished the salt pigs today.  I made some with handles and some into pigs with ears, eyes and tails.  Adam had soccer practice this evening.  The soccer fields were closed so his practice was moved to the church and the time was changed.  Eli had his first band concert this evening and had to be there at 6:30.  The concert started at 7:00.  Jared took Adam to his practice which started at 6:15.  It ended at 7:15 but Pastor Scott said it would be more like 7:00 because it's getting so dark by that time.  He said he would wait around with Adam after practice until Jared got there.  Jared stayed for Eli's band but left to get Adam after it.  Nana and Papa came to the concert too!  It was a great concert!  Jacob stayed home to work on homework.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Eli's concert was so good. He did great and we sure enjoyed watching and listening to him. That new auditorium is sure comfy.