

Thursday, April 8, 2021


Storm coming.  Very windy!!

Jared and I had a 10:20 appointment today for our first covid shots.  It was at the Midland center for the arts.  It went quick and smoothly and we were done by 10:45.  I stopped at Meijer for a few things before heading home.  Jared forgot his lunch so I took it to him.  It was a nice drive with Wyatt in the passenger seat.  When I got home I pugged some clay and then threw mugs.  I talked to Vikki and Mom on the phone.  They went to see the bald eagles building their nest.  When the boys got home they put away their kayaks because it was really windy outside.  Then they put all the old wood from the loft in the trailer.  They played Minecraft and I got dinner ready.  When Jared got home from work we could see a storm coming.  We stood on the deck and watched it.  It was really windy!!  Jacob took down the patio umbrella and brought in the bird feeders without me even telling him to do that.  Jared and I played a couple games of 3-13.  Jared had a great first game and I won the second.  The second game was close. 

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

That was quite the wind storm. If I wouldn't have seen the video, I wouldn't have thought it could get that windy there. The pictures are amazing. Wyatt thinks he is one of the boys lol!