

Monday, April 19, 2021


Our new honey bees!

Back to back.  Eli is almost up to Daddy

Watching Adam play Minecraft

 I made bowls on the wheel today.  It was a cold and windy day.  Jared drove to Swartz creek mi to pick up our new honey bees.  After school I took Adam and Eli home and then headed to Saginaw with Jacob for a dentist appointment.  He had to have a took extraction.  It was a baby tooth that needed to come out before getting his bottom braces on.  Jacob said they had a hard time getting it out.  We stopped at McDonalds on the drive home and Jacob got a McFlurry.  He didn't finish it until we were home.  We also had to stop at the Midland soccer complex because Jacob had to be Covid tested for soccer.  Adam and Eli said there are a lot of kids gone from school due to quarantine.  Adam thinks about half his grade is gone.  Eli said there were only 12 kids in his class. Adam had 7 kids in his first class. Jared and I played 3-13 this evening.  I was in the lead but said to Jared, "you know there's still a good chance you could win."  He said, "No way!"  I commented that I've seen it happen many times, even in the A's round.  Jared didn't think he could stick me with that many in the A's round.  Jared got stuck with 47 points which is exactly what he would needed to stick me with to win by 1 point.  I thought it was funny. 


Mom/Nana Schaard said...

I hope the bees don't freeze!!! Poor Jacob. Ouch! Hope the McFlurry made it feel better. Weird that they just don't have kids do online school with that many missing. I'm tired of Covid!!! I bet Jared didn't think it was as funny as you did when he got stuck with 47 points. I thought the ending was going to be that he beat you.

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Eli will be up to Jared in no time. I can't believe he is so close already.