

Wednesday, April 14, 2021


This morning I walked around in the paddock and dug thistles.  I trimmed mugs and made handles.  I took a walk in the woods with my shovel and dug out a bunch of weeds by the roots.  After picking the boys up from school we went to town to get Eli some new soccer cleats.  Eli had his first soccer practice this evening.  He has several kids that were on his team last season.  Garrett is playing on his team.  He goes to Meridian and also plays clarinet with Eli.  I left to take Jacob and Eli to youth group but we found out it was not going on tonight.  I took them to McDonalds for shakes.  It was cold and windy outside.  When we got home we played a quick game of soccer.  Adam and Jacob won 4-2.  We ate a late dinner and watched a Heartland.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Adam looks great in his Kayak life jacket too. Nice how they are shorter...will be much more comfortable. Love the pictures! Love you!