

Wednesday, April 7, 2021


Jared was dealt this great hand

We overslept this morning, waking at 7:00.  Jared is taking Benadryl for his poison ivy.  Eli and I also have it but Jared has it really bad.   Today I finished the mugs I threw yesterday.  I also waxed all the pottery and glazed the inside of all the mugs and tumblers.  After school the boys played Minecraft.  Jacob had homework.  Adam and Eli took the kayaks on the pond with the cats.  The cats are getting more used to it and they don’t need the crates.  We got to eat dinner on the deck again.  It was such a beautiful day.  Jacob and Adam had youth group.  We drove around and got drinks from McDonalds.  Tim Horton’s was closed.  We played a quick game of soccer.  It was Jared and Jacob vs Adam, Eli, and I.  We could only play for about 20 min because Jacob still had some homework to work on. Adam got hurt a couple times.  We lost 2-0.  Inside Jared and I played 3-13.  Jared won.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Love the kayak pictures with the boys and the cat. Looks like the cat doesn't mind at all.