

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

7-31-12 (Day 4)


Eagle River

Eating lunch

Swimming at Pebble Beach

We were up just before 8am. After breakfast the boys and I took a bike ride around the campground. Charlie (Jared's hornet) came back for more flies. Around 11:00 we headed to Eagle River. This year we had to hike a ways to get to where the river goes into the lake. The boys had a great time playing here and we stayed for a few hours. We ate a packed lunch there on the beach. The boys found some large pieces of drift wood to use for ships. They used little rocks for their people. Eli flopped in the water as he pretended to be a frog. He was on his belly and would put his face in the water. On our way back to camp we stopped at the Jampot for goodies. Then we walked a short ways up the road to Jacob’s Falls. We also stopped to visit with Leslies and look at the pottery. Grandma and Grandpa were there too. Eli napped in his car seat. Back at camp the boys and I went on a bike/scooter ride. Daddy got a fire ready for our dinner. After dinner we went to Pebble beach. The boys wore swim trunks so they could play in the water. This evening Grandma and Grandpa came over to sit by the fire with us. We made smores. Leslie let us use her bat detector so we could listen to the bats. We heard a few tonight which was really cool.

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