

Monday, July 2, 2012


Adam's soccer practice got canceled so we took the boys to play at the playground. On the way home we took a different way, other than our usual way. One road we took turned into a "seasonal road." The road was a single lane, dirt road in the woods. There were a couple areas where we thought about turning around but decided to go on. We thought the seasonal road would end soon. Well, after a few miles, we ended up getting really stuck. Jared did alot of digging, jacked up the van, and got some logs under the tire. We went forward a little but got even more stuck. The boys helped me find lots of sticks and logs for Daddy. I called my parents but we didn't really know where we were to tell them. They left their campground and headed in our direction. After about an hour out there a jeep pulled up. They said they hadn't been down this road in 20 years and just decided to take it. He told us the road gets worse ahead and just ends. He easily pulled us out and we went back the way we came. My parents were near Jacob's school and met us at McDonalds. We got ice cream there. Papa got the boys water squirters from the gas station.

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