

Saturday, July 28, 2012

7-28-12 ( Copper Harbor - Day 1)

At the Hilltop

Adam being silly

Stop at the stone boat

Pebble Beach

boys playing in the lake

I finished doing last minute packing ~ 2:30am. Adam was so excited and didn’t sleep much. He kept calling me and asking, “Is it the middle of the night yet?” or “How many more minutes until it’s time to leave?” Just before the alarm went off Adam came walking out with tears in his eyes saying, “I just really wanna go to Copper Harbor.” We were on the road around 3:30. The boys were excited and stayed awake for awhile. I slept most of the drive to the bridge. The boys were all sleeping so we woke them before crossing the bridge.  We stopped at a gas station and got out to stretch. We had pop tarts and chocolate milk for breakfast. A coyote crossed the road in front of us. I did some knitting and the boys watched a couple movies until we got to Lance. There we stopped at the Hilltop restaurant for cinnamon rolls. The boys didn't eat much of their roll so we took it with us. We got to Copper Harbor around 2:00. Grandma and Grandpa had already set up camp in the site by ours. After setting up camp we took a walk with Grandma and Grandpa over to Pebble Beach. The boys had a great time playing in the lake. Back at camp we had sandwiches and chip for dinner. I took Eli for a bike ride and the boys rode their scooters around the campground. Jared walked with Norman. We were all very tired and got to bed around 8:30pm.


Uncle Dee said...

AT LAST! ! !

I am so happy to start seeing pictures of Copper Harbor!!!!!!!

mom s said...

Such wonderful pictures. I am happy to start seeing these pictures from Copper Harbor too!!!!