

Friday, July 27, 2012


Jared took Norman to the veterinary this morning for an 8:00 appointment. We met Jared at his work around 9am to pick up Norman. We took Norman to the dogpark. Then the boys played at the playground by the dogpark. We went back into the dogpark to hike the trail in the woods. Then we went to Pet Smart to walk around in there. The boys loved seeing the fish, birds, reptiles and cats. We got home around lunchtime. The boys watched a Lone Ranger and Extreme Engineerine. They spent most of the day building with legos. Jared worked on changing the brake pads on the van this evening. We caught a raccoon in our live trap but the raccoon died in it. Our neighbor is trying to poison them so maybe it got into his rat poison. Anyway the raccoon was eating our eggs so I'm glad its not going to get any more. Daddy had to go to Lowes for something and Eli wanted to go with him. He kept saying, "I'm gonna have fun!"

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