

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas 2011

Opening stockings!
Nerf guns
Daddy got one too
Excited to see they also had extra nerf darts (like Daddy did)
New Bruder vehicles
Opening my new memory card!
Putting together their strawz sets
Nerf battle
"Go ahead and get me Daddy"
Boys working at their construction site
New guitar shirts from Nana and Papa
Eli was trying to get the light
Wearing his new backpack
Jacob's painting of his bruder backhoe
Shooting darts at the tv
Ready for our campout
Glow explosion art
I got to bed late last night. I woke up around 8 am when Adam crawled into our bed. Jacob was already in our bed but I was surprised to see him. Jared was up taking out the dogs. I was going to make pumpkin bread but forgot the eggs. Eli had bad diarrhea this morning. The boys were so excited to come out and see all the presents under the tree and quickly grabbed their stockings. Eli reached for his stocking too and I helped him get it down. It was so fun watching the boys open the gifts the little gifts in their stockings. Jacob first opened a big bag of m&m’s and said, “My own m&m’s!” Adam said “My own toothbrush!” and played the guitar on his new toothbrush. All the boys got m&m's , toothbrush, matchbox cars, a sucker, a finger light, winter hats, chiclets, bandades, m&m chapsticks, and a few starbursts. Eli also opened new pacifiers, a glidder ball, and a microphone. Jacob and Adam also got puzzle erasers, shooter airplanes, and water bottlles. I heard a lot of “awesome!”  Jacob stopped to give me a chiclet and a starburst. Adam also shared a starburst with me. Eli asked me to open his sucker enjoyed that for a little while. After Jacob finished his stocking he started looking under the tree at the names and passing out gifts. Jacob and Adam first opened nerf guns. Adam said, “My favorite gun, I wanted this!”  Jacob said, “Aww yes! I wanted this! Look it has a lazer!” The boys had so much fun playing with those while I helped Eli open his next gift, a peek a boo ball. Then Jared opened a gift from the boys which was a nerf gun and extra nerf darts. Jacob asked if he’d share his extra darts. Next the boys opened extra nerf darts and laughed. Jacob told Daddy, “I guess I don’t want yours.” Eli opened an egg timer with Jacob’s help.  Then Jacob opened a Hape bamboo car and Adam got an automoblox. Next Eli opened a backpack. Next the boys opened new Bruder vehicles. Jacob an excavator, Adam a dumptruck, and Eli got a Roadmax dumptruck. Jared opened up a new hammer and I got a 16GB class 10 memory card – yey! Jared and I also got each other a wheelbarrow which I can’t wait to use when we clean the sheep stall – hopefully tomorrow. The boys were so excited and we sure had alot of fun. I don’t think Eli was feeling so well and was acting tired. The boys had a great time making cool straws with their strawz sets. Then they drew pictures using their glow explosion sets from Nana and Papa. We hung them in the closet and they last for 4hrs – really cool! The boys and Daddy put on safety glasses and had a nerf gun fight. Good thing they wore glasses cause one of the darts stuck to Adam’s glasses. They used the play kitchen and table as barriers to hide from Daddy’s darts. Eli wanted to go up in Jacob’s bunk bed so I went up there with him. We got out my huge bag of beanie babies and let each of the boys pick out one. We made a ham, mashed potatoes, corn, rolls, and had applesauce for our meal. We ate around 1:00. The boys loved the ham. Around 2:00 I tucked Eli in for a nap. The boys played more with their nerf guns. Daddy played Mario Galaxy for Adam. Jacob used his new art kit to paint his bruder box. Then Adam decided to paint his box too. Jacob painted some nice pictures of his bruder trucks. We went outside so the boys could play with their bruder trucks in the sandbox. Daddy also gave them rides in the wheelbarrow. Eli woke up just after we came inside. He wanted me to hold him for awhile and Daddy gave him some cheese/crackers. He was in a much better mood this evening. He loves to have the self timer set on the camera and quickly runs to pose for a pictures. He wanted me in the picture too. We had a campout in the living room and watched the Jesus Movie and Toughest Fixes. Adam really loves his green beanie baby. We made glow explosion pictures to hang on the wall by where were sleeping tonight and they were really cool.


Melissa said...

Neat tractor picture Jacob! You sure are talented!

mom s said...

Those strawz creations are so cool. So neat that they can actually drink out of their creations.