

Sunday, December 4, 2011


This is the sunrise that Jacob thought was so beautiful!
This is what happened when Eli leaned on the side of the pan.
Trying to look like Eli
I’m sick with a cold so we slept out in the living room last night. Adam came out to sleep by Daddy during the night. Jacob noticed the beautiful sky this morning and asked if it would still look like that when we came home from school. He was bummed saying he wanted to draw it so we took a picture. Eli loves to cook for me and as he hands me thing he usually says “hot.” Instead of "Uh huh" now Eli usually says, “yep.” He often pulls my hand to follow him to the cupboard (for a snack) saying, “Mommy! Mommy! Mere (come here).”  Eli got Norman a treat saying, “day (stay).” Our chicks should be arriving today or tomorrow so I brought in the horses water tank and cleaned it out for them. Then we watched Curious George. After lunch Eli took a nap. Adam and I watched How its Made. Then we brought in some pine chips to put in for bedding for the chicks. Adam wanted to play in it so he did that while I cleaned up the feeder and waterer. Adam sat at the counter and played with rice until it was time to get Jacob. The boys all had fun playing with flour this evening. Eli leaned on the pan and flour got all over him.


Uncle Dee said...

It looks as if Eli gave his brothers an idea about getting flour on their faces!

Laughing Grandma said...

Good for you Eli. Such clean fun. He takes after the Uncle Eric dumping flour happening. That was 5 lb. dumped throughout the house while we were sleeping. Got to watch those little guys.
Made me laugh outloud and believe me the picture will be in my head for days. Thanks sooooo much Eli. Your brothers flour attempts were a far second and third place flour picture. Go Eli.

Grandma R said...

And...Jacob, you discovered a very beautiful picture. Keep on looking. Beautiful things are all around you. Sometimes they are on the ground, sometimes in trees and sometimes in the sky just as you saw. Surprise yourself.

The Daddy said...

I see Eli got my message about the flour. Next he needs to work on using Sugar.