

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Christmas in Indiana




So Jared here - we headed to Carmel IN for Christmas with the Russell side on Dec 28th.  We left in the morning and arrived in the afternoon.  Got settled in and Eric Kat Andrew and Noah came over to visit.  We all had a good time hanging out and catching up.  We played lots of card games, 3-13 and Skip bo.  Andrew and Noah came over early Friday and spent the morning hanging out.  We went to The Reef Aquarium fish store to check out the fish - pet store I bought my first fish from 35 or so yrs ago.  Uncle Rick use to work at the Reef even many many more years ago than 35.  Such a great fish store - we brought home a plant called frog bit.  Headed back in a round a bout way… HA.  Played 3-13 and Noah smoked us.  He had the lead over 2nd place by over 180 points.  Then Noah and Grandma smoked us in a few games of skipbo as well.  We opened presents in the afternoon.  Mom game everyone one of my favorite cookies in their stocking… I was a bit bummed then Mom gave me a huge bucket of these same cookies.  Joke was on me.  Lot of laughs opening presents. Played more 3-13 and skipbo.  Saturday Andrew and Noah came over in the morning.  Mom, Kimmy Andrew Noah and I went to goodwill and wild birds unlimited.  We picked up a nice feeder for Baltimore Orioles , we then stopped by dunking donuts on the way home.  We hung out for a while longer and then after lunch and a few more games of skip bo packed it up and headed home.   We had a wonderful time.  

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