

Saturday, December 16, 2023


 We went to Jacob's church in Lansing today.  Church started at 10:00.  We got there about 10 min early and found some seats up near the front.  Jacob had left his coat there last week so he went to go get it from the lost and found.  The room filled up quickly and Jacob lost his seat with us.  I didn't even notice it until it was too late.  He was able to find a seat right in front of us.  The music and service was great.  After church we went out to eat at Pot belly.  Got some yummy sub sandwiches.  It was raining and we walked to the MSU store.  Got Jacob a new MSU lanyard and also picked out a stuffed animal for Kenzie's baby.  Jared told the worker that the store was great except that everything was green and white.  Jared's shoes are cracked in the bottom and his socks were really wet.  We went to a few stores, looking for shoes. We finally found some in a shoe store in the mall.  He got some work shoes and some converse shoes.  He has wanted those kind of shoes for a long time.  We then headed to Kenzies house.  Got there around 3:00.  We were so excited to meet Rehvyn!  Eli was super to meet him and held him alot.  He also got to feed him a bottle.  Kenzie had bought a kit for baby footprints so we used it to put Rehvyns prints on cards.  We tried getting hand prints but that was really hard.

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