

Saturday, December 23, 2023


Jared got up early and drove to Dan's house to check on the kiln.  We woke the boys around 7:30.  Eventually Jacob got out of bed and shut his bedroom door.  I thought he was getting ready but I guess he had climbed back into bed.  Jared started the van and was waiting in the driveway.  I called for Jacob to ask if he was ready but he had fallen asleep.  He got ready quickly.  We got to Mom's at 9:00.  Vikki and her family were there and soon Melissa was too.  Kenzie and Travis got there around 10:30.  Rehvyn looked so cute in his plaid outfit.  Kenzie and Travis were in matching plaid pjs.  Dad said a prayer and  read the Christmas story from the Bible.  Then the kids started with their Christmas gift exchange.  There was alot of talking and excitement.  Adam had Jacob and wrote, to nerd from Bob, on the tag.  He got him a metal earth and some 3 muskateers.  Kenzie had Adam and wrapped his in 4 different boxes until he got to the box of his gift.  After the second box Adam said I really hope there is another box!  Haha. He got a Minecraft Steve light up figure.  Jack had Eli and got him some funny socks and a cool dagger which, of coarse, he loves.  Gifts were handed out and opened youngest to oldest.  Nana and Papa got Jacob an airtag with a holder for his keys, a metal earth set and some money.  They got Adam some Technoblade keycaps and money.  And they gave Eli a gaming mouse and money.  Jared got some new slippers and a gift card to Blue Thumb.  And I got some dishtowels, a dishcloth (made by mom), a scrubby, a Tim Horton's card, and a couple great pottery tools.  I can't wait to try the new trimming tools!  We all enjoyed holding Rehvyn!  We ate around 1:00.  Charlie and Sue came over too.  The food was all so yummy!  We had roast, carrots, and potatoes.  Mykenzie brought her pink blanket that is 26 years old and she still sleeps with.  It needed some repairs so I worked on that.  We had pie for desert.  Mom made us some yummy capuccinos.  Uncle Rody gave Adam a new keyboard they he was super excited about.  We got home around 8:30 and drove to Dans to check on the kiln.  It was still over 600 degrees.  

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