

Sunday, December 18, 2022


 We went to church online this morning.  Then we played some bewares with the boys.  Jared went to town to get pizza for lunch.  Jacob had to be at the Dow event center at 12:45 for the Midland concert band.  The show started at 3:00. It was a wonderful Christmas concert.  Jacob's clarinet choir performed a couple songs which were great.  We drove separate so I could stop at the store for groceries.  We watched Dick Van dyke and had popcorn pop and ice cream.  Eli spent a long time today FaceTiming with Jack today.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

I wish I would have been at Jacob's concert. I always love going. So glad you took videos. They sounded just amazing and Jacob looked so handsome. Love Adam's room like it is and that there's a place for Jacob to sit when he goes in it now. Very cool room!