

Tuesday, November 2, 2021


Playing 3-13

 Vikki and the kids had the day off today.  We met at Mom's around 10:00.  We had a nice visit and fun hanging out together.  Mom made some yummy egg salad sandwiches for lunch.  We played a game of 3-13.  It was Nana, Me, Vikki, Peyton and Isaac.  I was the high score for most of the game but ended up winning.  In the 7's round I threw Vikki a wild.  No way would she give it back.  Jacob worked on homework all evening until late.  Adam had soccer practice.  We kicked the ball around with Eli.  It was cold and snowing.  Adam was in shorts and a t-shirt.  Eli was too but he put on a sweatshirt.  When we got home we warmed up chili for dinner.  We also put some chicken in the oven and Eli used it to make a chicken sandwich with ranch and lettuce.  He had some chili too.  He's always hungry lately.  We played bedwars with Adam and Eli before bed.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Wow! Watch out Eli is really going to be growing taller with the way he's eating. He gets lots of exercise though with soccer which probably makes him super hungry.