

Sunday, November 7, 2021


Eli with his new camera

Eli riding Bo

After church we stopped at the store.  I went in to get groceries and Jared went to get pizza's.  After lunch we headed to Lapeer to see a standardbred horse that's for sale.  He's about 10 years old and is a big gentle horse like Sammy.  We weren't going to get a horse this big but he's had such a great temperament.  Eli hasn't been on a horse except when he was a baby.  He rode him around in the pen and then took him out on the dirt road.  Her husband saddled up his horse and rode with him.  We walked along with them.  Then Jared took him for a ride down the road.  We really like him and decided to buy him.  He will be delivered next week.  Eli is so excited!! He's been asking for a horse for quite a while.   Jacob stayed home because he had a lot of homework.  When we got home Adam helped us haul pottery out and we loaded the kiln.  We had popcorn pop and ice cream and then played some minecraft.  


1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Yay for Eli getting his camera. He will enjoy using that. A even bigger yay for you all getting a horse. Love the picture of Eli riding Bo. Nice name for the horse too. We are all sure going to love you having a horse again. Jacob looks very cool on his bike!