

Wednesday, November 10, 2021


I worked outside today getting things ready for the horse to arrive.  His owner asked if they could bring him early, around noon.  Jared came home early and helped me get things ready.  She dropped him off around 11:30.  We took him for a walk around the property.  Then we put him in his stall.  We tried to give him some treats but he wouldn't take them.  I cut up an apple and we finally got him to try that.  He took it awkwardly at first.  It didn't take him long to figure out that they were really good.  Then he decided to try the horse treats.  Now he loves those too.   When Eli got home from school we went to the stall and he was so surprised to see that Bo had already arrived.  We spent some time with him before we had to leave.  We went to Nana and Papa's house to celebrate Kenzie and Travis's birthday.  Nana made sloppy jo's and potatoes for dinner.  There was angel food cake, cupcakes and ice cream for desert.  Yummy!  Jacob had to work on homework there.  We left around 6pm and took Jacob and Adam to youth group.  At home we saddled up Bo and took turns riding him in the barn.  Jared left to get the boys and I helped Eli unsaddled Bo.  We played some bedwars with Adam and Eli and Jacob finished his homework. 

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Great surprise for Eli. Nice having you over to celebrate Kenzie and Travis's birthdays! I know Eli was excited to get home and spend time with his horse. He needs to lose horse time for every angel of mine he hides. Let him know.