

Friday, November 12, 2021


 The boys had a half day of school today.  Jacob didn't have to go in but he did have alot of school work to do.  After school Adam worked on homework.  Eli let Bo out into the paddock.  The sheep still don't know what to think of him.   Jared came home from work early.  We played some bed wars with the boys.  Nana, Aunt Bippi, and the kids came over this afternoon.  Eli got his horse out of the paddock and he had rolled in the mud. We had lots of help to brush him.  Eli cleaned out his hooves and helped saddle him up.  Jared took him for his first ride outside since arriving.  Then Eli got on him and even trotted him in the driveway.  Vikki, Mom, Peyton and Isaac rode too.  Nana brought Carmel apples for everyone and candy corn for Jacob.  This evening we watched tv and then played bedwars.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Fun Day! Thanks for sharing Bo and letting us ride and brush him. He sure is a nice horse!