

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Happy Birthday Adam!!!

Time to open presents!

Adam woke up around 5:30 and came to lay on the floor in our bedroom.  After I got up he crawled in bed with Daddy.  Adam went to wake his brothers around 6:00 but Jacob was already awake.  After eating breakfast and getting ready for the day Adam was ready to open his presents.  He told Louie (his bear) that he could open the big present. He got some gum, his favorite candy bar, Lego airzitzu set,  bubble glow blaster, a light up punch balloon,  glow necklaces, twistable colored pencils,  a sketch book and a new scooter.  He tried all his new stuff and put together his Lego set before they had to leave for school.  Daddy took the boys to school.  I had to make DVDs of our videos so I could clear up space on my video camera.  I also went to the store to exchange the light up balloon because the light didn't work.  At 1:30 Jared and I picked up Adam from school so we could spend some time with him before his brothers got out.  We went to the rail trail to ride scooters.  Adam and Daddy rode while I walked.  They circled around and stayed close to me.  On the way home Adam started feeling sick and had diarrhea.  Then he walked in the house and ran to the sink and puked!  I cleaned the sink while Jared helped him in the shower.  Poor guy!  I made him a bed on the couch but soon he was feeling better.  He and Daddy played Minecraft until it was time to get his brothers off the bus.  Nik came over to play outside for an hour.  Jared and I sat on the glider and watched the birds.  Adam came to sit with us and started asking Siri funny questions.  Soon our whole family was on the glider and laughing.  The neighbor kids and their Grandpa came over to buy eggs.  The kids had fun playing on the playground and feeding handfuls of grain to the lambs.  Around 5:30 we headed to the wooden playground.  We picked up pizza and breadsticks for dinner.  Adam wasn't feeling so well so he just ate one breadstick.  The boys had fun being chased by Daddy.  Adam had diarrhea again and his belly was hurting so we decided we should head home and skip the rail trail). As we were packing up I closed the back van door. Then I heard Jacob saying, "open the door!"  I realized his fingers were shut in the top of the door.  It just left marks on his fingers but sure scared him.  Soon after we left Adam started puking.  Good thing Jacob had run in to get that bucket.  It seemed like he was sick forever and we all felt so bad for him.  Jacob felt so bad he grabbed his tackle box and gave him a fishing lure.  Adam was so sad to be sick on his birthday and started crying.  I grabbed my phone and started asking Siri if kids were allowed to cry on their birthday.  Adam thought that was funny and had me ask other silly questions.  We got home and Adam took a shower while I made him a bed on his cot.  We sang to the birthday boy but saved the cake for when Adam's feeling better.  He did have a little scoop of ice cream.  We watched Clone Wars and then Lucy until bedtime.  Adam was sick more tonight - poor guy.  He was super excited to get phone calls from Nana, Papa and Aunt Bippi.  He got to try his glow bubble in his blaster tonight which was fun. It was a fun day celebrating with our 9 year old but sure wish he was feeling better.  

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