

Monday, May 9, 2016



I love my boys:)

This morning the boys wished me a Happy Mother's Day and gave me some sweet cards that they had made.   A few cards had pictures of a hammock in them - haha.  My gift to open was a hammock and straps!  Can't wait to try it out!  We were in the nursery for second service.  After church we headed to Good Times Pizza and then headed to my parents house.  My sisters and their families also came over and brought pizza's.  The kids had fun playing outside on the swings and the trampoline.  Jacob went fishing in the neighbors pond.  He caught 4 fish!  I set up my hammock in the yard.  First time the bark broke in the old dead tree and I fell to the ground haha.  After awhile we headed to a nearby park.  Jacob did some fishing there too while the other kids had fun on the playground.  Such a fun day!!

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