

Saturday, May 14, 2016


We headed to drinks and donuts separately this morning.  Jared took Jacob and I took Adam and Eli.  Adam and Eli both had soccer games that started at 10:00.  Jacob is taking a drawing class at Creative 360 which starts today.  Jared dropped him off there and then met me at Tim Hortons.  He took Adam to his game and I took Eli.  It was windy and cold - burr.  After the games were done I took the boys home and Jared went to pick up Jacob.  Jacob really enjoyed his drawing class.  This afternoon Adam played soccer at 2:30 and Eli had a game at 3:00.  I stayed for Adam's game and Jared took Eli to his game after watching some of Adam's.  Adam was goalie in the first half and did great.  In the second half he scored a goal!  We made it to see the end of Eli's game.  This evening the kids did some things with clay.  Jacob made a vase on the wheel.  And Adam showed Eli how to make a piggy bank.  

Eli made a couple pinch pots and a piggy bank

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Such a cute picture of Adam with his cold hands up his daddy's back. Love his smile. Also love the picture of Jacob with his pictures. He did great in his class.. So happy he's taking it. Love that he made a cross.
Eli's piggy bank is amazing. Great Job! Talented boys! I have to make it to a soccer game.