

Friday, May 13, 2016


Went to Mom's house today.  We sat on her deck and drank our coffees.  We were watching the birds and noticed a bluebird is in her birdhouse.  Mom made egg salad sandwich on homemade bread for lunch - yum!  Melissa came over around lunchtime.  We helped Mom pulled weeds and grass around the back of her house.  We had a lot of fun working together.  

This evening Melissa and her family came over.  They brought hot dogs and chips for dinner.  Bruce grilled the hot dogs as Jared was gone with Adam at soccer practice.  The kids had so much fun playing together.

Melissa and Hailey making some pinch pots. 

Jack made a pinch pot too.  Max made a y fighter and a star destroyer and something else star wars.  Jacob showed Max how to piece it together so it doesn't fall apart when it dries.  And Evan made several different things and kept his shark.  

Bruce made a coil pot.

The kids liked seeing the turtle and tadpoles

They love Norman!

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Thanks for all your help. Love all the pictures and fun at your house with Bruce, Melissa and family. The group pic of the kids is amazing!