

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Playing t-ball with Daddy in the dark

Got called into work early today and went in at 8:00.  The head cook was going home because she's sick.  I was already coming in 15 minutes early and staying late to cover another cooks shift.  We were busy and it was hot in the kitchen.  I ran the register for lunch and Adam came through my line to buy a large chocolate chip cookie.  I left around 1:15.  At home I let Frances, Henry (Han) and Clarence into another paddock.  Then I fed and water the ewes.  Jared called and I talked to him.  And then I called and talked to Vikki and Melissa for a little while.  The boys hitched a ride home in Jim's (our neighbor) truck.  This afternoon Eli and Adam had soccer practice.  Jared took them to practice and I stayed home with Jacob.  I worked on washing Blanch's fleece.  Jacob and I played some monopoly.  Then Jacob spent a long time practicing his clarinet for a chair tests.  We went outside to play with the kitty and a laser light.  Then Jared, Adam, and Eli played t-ball in the dark.

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