

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Eli's team is the "Flaming mustache's" and the team has red mustache socks.

After work I stopped at the post office to mail a package.  Then I headed home and took care of the sheep.  I did dishes and laundry and then made some batts.  I also hung some curtains in the entrance room.  The boys got home from school just before 4:00.  Jacob and Adam packed their lunches and I helped Eli pack his.  Then I went over spelling words with Adam and Eli and Eli worked on math.  Nik came over and the boys played in the barn until it was time to eat dinner.  We ate dinner early because we had to be at Adam's soccer practice at 5:30.  Eli's practice started at 6:00.  Jacob stayed in the van to read his book.  After practice we headed to the library and all picked out some books to bring home.  Jared and I got some on dyeing wool, weaving and puppy training.  Adam practiced on his trombone before getting ready for bed.

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