

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter 2017

Ready to find Easter eggs and baskets

Jacob and Adam found their dozen quickly.  So Eli had some harder ones left to find.  Daddy played hot/cold with him to help.

After finding all the eggs the boys searched for baskets.  Then they had fun hiding Daddy's basket.  

After church we headed to my parents house to celebrate with family.  

The kids are waiting while the Dad's finish hiding all the Eggs.  

Kenzie's here! yay!

Easter baskets from Nana and Papa!

After eating Kenzie played her guitar!  Thank you Mom for all the yummy food!

Playing Euchre

Sue brought Easter surprises for all the kids

1 comment:

Grandma R said...

Great Easter pictures. The fact that our Michigan kids have such a big family to enjoy is great. They are very fortunate.