

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


We went out to the barn early this morning to check on Ewe #46 who is days overdue to lamb.  She had just lambed twins.  One lamb was dead but the other lamb was doing good.  We got them into a stall and the lamb was quickly standing and nursing.  It's a girl and weighs 11 lbs 13 oz.  

 I worked at the jr high today.  When I came home I noticed Sophie had her kittens but she was just laying by our back door.  Last year none of her kitten survived.  So I walked into the barn and listened.  I could hear a kitten(s) crying so I spent the next few hours cleaning out the barn and searching for the kitten.  I got the boys off the bus and they helped me search but by now the kitten wasn't crying anymore.  When Jared got home he climbed up above his workshop to search there.  I thought it sounded like it was coming from under a pile of wood we have stacked up by the boys fort.  Jared moved the pile of wood and then pulled up some floor boards.  There he found one very cold kitten that was barely alive.  The boys quickly heated their rice socks and we worked on warming the kitten.  Then we brought Sophie inside and I sat on the couch with her and the kitten and worked on getting the kitten to nurse.  Jared pumped some colostrum from the ewe that had lambed today but I didn't end up needing it for the kitty.  Now the kitten (and Sophie) is doing very good and the boys are so happy with a new little kitty.

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Love the lamb and kitten pictures